Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today is a new day

Today we turn the clock away from all our fears, all our bad habits. Today you look at yourself as the creator of all that comes in your life. You are the maker, the owner, the foundation of all your realities.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mental Rebirth

It is within every human beings capability to renew their way of life. We all have the ability to change what we think and how we feel in a nanosecond. In order to create a mental rebirth, the only thing one must do is focus their attention on something else. Suppose you were thinking something negative, at that very second change that to something of appreciation. When one is constantly happy, they cannot help but be aligned with things that will constantly make you happy. Death is something one cannot control. Even within death, one must be grateful because they are now moving towards a different manifestation of their higher self. Illness comes from your thoughts. Your thoughts manifest your actions; this creates situations, which destroys your body. Let me give you an example. Suppose you are within a group of people and everyone is drinking. You are what they call "Throwing back shots." You have over drank, the average allotted amount for your mind and now you are intoxicated. You have just broken down your body and anything can happen to you. This also goes with depression, guilt, anxiety, etc. Anything that takes away the mental is either killing you fast or slow. So in order to change your physical situations you first must change the mental. This requires you to look at the situation. You might have to change friends, rid yourself of family members, anything that can hinder your process of divinity. Today claim I am going through a mental rebirth. Judge your thoughts today, only concentrate on all the good that can come to you, all the happiness. Within this, you will find a better life, a better body and you will find those around you to become better people as well. Nameste.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Why Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Why are you stuck in a Rut? Is it because you choose to continue thinking that you have nothing? Are you constantly looking over your shoulders asking why this why that? See most people do not understand that we are what we believe. Pain is the outcome of our beliefs past and present. How many times do you find the reason to blame others because your relationship with them did not work out? I have spoken to countless people and it seems none of them start off saying "I Did" It is more easy to blame then to take responsibility. Why do you constantly see yourself at your age having more relationships going bad? It is the fear and the same constant blindness of your thoughts going in that keeps you in a rut. See the most powerful people in the world allows others to also feel powerful. They understand that power only comes with giving power and not holding on to it. The universe moves in a constant flow, being in a rut you keep your blessings away from you.


Monday, January 16, 2012


I am faith-filled, strong and courageous.
Sometimes I resist change and other times I feel an inner stirring to initiate change and start a new adventure. I may have satisfactory employment or a comfortable lifestyle, yet feel called to something more. Spirit calls me to expansion, inviting me to step out in faith and act courageously.
I pray, listen to my inner guidance, and then put feet under my prayers. The positive action I take sends a clear message to Spirit. I am saying "Yes" to my increase and expansion right now! I am not discouraged if I hit a roadblock. I fully trust that God goes with me wherever I go, showing me the way through any challenge. I am faith-filled, strong and courageous, living a life of adventure.
I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.--Joshua 1:9

Monday, October 17, 2011

Stop playing the Victim

Many people think they are entitled to good treatment. The truth is that they are neither entitled nor not entitled to it. It is their situation and how they deal with them that matters. However, playing the victim only increases the problems at hand. Instead of using the time to cry and feel sorry for yourself, take a deep breath and get out of it. If someone is robbing you, you do not sit around thinking, "This shouldn't be happening to me. It isn't right." Instead, you react. You may defend yourself, call the police, or try to run away. Constructive action is the opposite of victimized brooding.  A victim is, defined in a powerless situation, such as children. They do not have the power to overcome an assailant or change their environments. Now, as an adult to sit back and harbor old feelings, you are playing the classic child victim. Things will happen, sometimes as an adult that are beyond your control and understanding. It is not your place to sit and not change them.  Suppose you are in a bad relationship, analyze what is bad, and change it. If you cannot change it, crying will not make it better. If you do not like your job, find something in it you do. Remember you are paying your bills. If you did not have that job, you would cry because you cannot afford your living. See every action has a reaction. If you do not like this thing, releasing it will manifest another thing. You must accept change without victimizing yourself. Another example of playing the victim is in blaming others.  To look at everyone’s actions or words without looking at oneself is playing the victim. You cannot have a situation without somehow you thinking it. See our fears from the past, present, manifest our tomorrows. What you could have said, or done to someone in the past, might have caused your reality today. The cause and effect of life does not know victims. It only knows the universal law of karma. See one bad move can cause you hundreds, and it is always different then your moves. Therefore, when you are going through something, past thoughts and actions, is what you should look into. You cannot change them because they are done. However, you can change the now. Live in the now, stop worrying and playing the victim. The universe cannot help you, if you do not help yourself first. Understand your issue; change it by first thinking positive. Once you change your thinking, attack the situation with no thought of failure. This is how you overcome the victimized life style.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Law of Attraction

The Law states: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you will be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you do not want it to.

All great minds created their existence to be what they wanted through the law of attraction. They willed, and it became. 

Everything comes to us through the law of physics - Like Attracts Like! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a "good" or a "bad" person or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an unquestionable law of the universe.

Therefore, as stated in previous posts, thinking negative will beget negative outputs. Thinking the best even though it seems you are going through a mess, will give you a positive output. Get organized with your thoughts. Fear is the greatest thing that keeps you from achieving anything you desire.

Once you eliminate fears, you will begin to create and then you can truly apply the Law of Attraction. The law states if you fear you will continue to fear.

Mind Control

The mind is a great tool. It brings us back in time, the now and the future. How does one trust in the mind and know that it is speaking to them? The concept of the mind speaking is as bad as saying my soul speaks. It truly is undocumented and cannot be proven. Most individuals believe their hearts speak to them.

So how does one control their mind you ask? It is where you focus your attention. See attention is the leading factor of all things that happen in life. If you focus your attention on pain, then pain your will receive. If you focus your attention on joy then that is what you will receive. 

The quality of your life at any given moment depends on what you have your attention on. In example: Having a nice meal with your family, you can allow yourself to enjoy the moment, put your attention on the good food and the pleasure of sharing it with people you love, or you can put your attention on something bad that happened yesterday or something bad that might happen tomorrow.

We feed our minds with things that are unanswerable. Here is another example: Is my mate cheating on me? How many times did you put these through your head and then it happened? See you create your circumstances by the way you think. The mind, body and soul works at one. Therefore, whatever you put out comes back. If you harbor thoughts of infidelity, you tend to react causing the situation to happen. 

When you start to program your mind on nothing but happiness, you will only receive happiness. The next thing is to understand this. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE ANYONE! Allowing a person to be the best they can be is also allowing yourself to be the best you can be.  

Once you do this, you have mastered the first step in mind control. You realized that what is truly is.