Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mind Control

The mind is a great tool. It brings us back in time, the now and the future. How does one trust in the mind and know that it is speaking to them? The concept of the mind speaking is as bad as saying my soul speaks. It truly is undocumented and cannot be proven. Most individuals believe their hearts speak to them.

So how does one control their mind you ask? It is where you focus your attention. See attention is the leading factor of all things that happen in life. If you focus your attention on pain, then pain your will receive. If you focus your attention on joy then that is what you will receive. 

The quality of your life at any given moment depends on what you have your attention on. In example: Having a nice meal with your family, you can allow yourself to enjoy the moment, put your attention on the good food and the pleasure of sharing it with people you love, or you can put your attention on something bad that happened yesterday or something bad that might happen tomorrow.

We feed our minds with things that are unanswerable. Here is another example: Is my mate cheating on me? How many times did you put these through your head and then it happened? See you create your circumstances by the way you think. The mind, body and soul works at one. Therefore, whatever you put out comes back. If you harbor thoughts of infidelity, you tend to react causing the situation to happen. 

When you start to program your mind on nothing but happiness, you will only receive happiness. The next thing is to understand this. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE ANYONE! Allowing a person to be the best they can be is also allowing yourself to be the best you can be.  

Once you do this, you have mastered the first step in mind control. You realized that what is truly is.