I am faith-filled, strong and courageous.
Sometimes I resist change and other times I feel an inner stirring to initiate change and start a new adventure. I may have satisfactory employment or a comfortable lifestyle, yet feel called to something more. Spirit calls me to expansion, inviting me to step out in faith and act courageously.
I pray, listen to my inner guidance, and then put feet under my prayers. The positive action I take sends a clear message to Spirit. I am saying "Yes" to my increase and expansion right now! I am not discouraged if I hit a roadblock. I fully trust that God goes with me wherever I go, showing me the way through any challenge. I am faith-filled, strong and courageous, living a life of adventure.
I pray, listen to my inner guidance, and then put feet under my prayers. The positive action I take sends a clear message to Spirit. I am saying "Yes" to my increase and expansion right now! I am not discouraged if I hit a roadblock. I fully trust that God goes with me wherever I go, showing me the way through any challenge. I am faith-filled, strong and courageous, living a life of adventure.
I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.--Joshua 1:9