It is within every human beings capability to renew their
way of life. We all have the ability to change what we think and how we feel in
a nanosecond. In order to create a mental rebirth, the only thing one must do
is focus their attention on something else. Suppose you were thinking something
negative, at that very second change that to something of appreciation. When
one is constantly happy, they cannot help but be aligned with things that will
constantly make you happy. Death is something one cannot control. Even within
death, one must be grateful because they are now moving towards a different
manifestation of their higher self. Illness comes from your thoughts. Your
thoughts manifest your actions; this creates situations, which destroys your body.
Let me give you an example. Suppose you are within a group of people and
everyone is drinking. You are what they call "Throwing back shots."
You have over drank, the average allotted amount for your mind and now you are
intoxicated. You have just broken down your body and anything can happen to
you. This also goes with depression, guilt, anxiety, etc. Anything that takes
away the mental is either killing you fast or slow. So in order to change your
physical situations you first must change the mental. This requires you to look
at the situation. You might have to change friends, rid yourself of family
members, anything that can hinder your process of divinity. Today claim I am
going through a mental rebirth. Judge your thoughts today, only concentrate on
all the good that can come to you, all the happiness. Within this, you will
find a better life, a better body and you will find those around you to become
better people as well. Nameste.